About Us
About Us

Our journey started with a lot of nick knacks getting created by Poonam. A house wife throughout her life the passion to work with the woods, jutes, paints, mosaics, decoupage and so on led to the creation of many products which in turn found many takers. So, from individuals to birthday parties to exhibitions the list of people who started appreciating her products kept growing steadily.

While on this journey we came across many women who were excellent in their crafts and were creating exciting, unique and beautiful stuff. We also realised the challenge these women faced when they wanted to scale up to a commercial level. The challenges of production and distribution are often overwhelming.

At the same time tired of buying the mass “me too” products available in organised home décor retail shops and the exorbitant price of designer/customized products these are a welcome respite to a large diaspora of home owners to find something unique. The seekers for these products include commercial establishments like restaurants, offices, etc., and is a platform for products and ideas for architects and interior designers.

Thus, the birth of hoWme.

Vision: To help women's creativity find a global audience.

Mission: To channel the undiscovered women's talent in creating unique, beautiful, and handcrafted products making them available at an affordable price to all. Building beautiful interiors.

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